Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What happened to the sovreignty of independent nations?

I was reading about the Milis thing, and could not help it but wonder what happend to the sovreignty of independent nations and what this German guy is doing and acting in Lebanon or Syria as if he is the legitimate ruler of these countries! how did we arrive at this point? For 13 years, Saddam Hussein also transfered the sovreignty of Iraq to the US and Britain, and he stayed in power without any shame, celebrating his birthdays with the most extravagant expenses and built the most expensive palacaes. Meanwhile, the Iraqi sky, and Northern Iraq were occupied by foreign forces, Iraq was completly isolated, and even the president needed a permit to travel from one point to another. Yet, it dictator Saddam continued to imprison his people, and deprive them of their freedom, putting his statues and pictures all over what he had control of in Iraq. The UN became however the true power that governed Iraq and through the UN, it is of course, the US and Britain. Now, this is being repeated in Syria and Lebanon. These regimes have brought these conditions to the peoples of these two countries that no one feels any loss of dignity because of it. It has become a normal thing that a person such this man called Milis (I am not attacking him personally for he could be any one else) can behave as if he were above the rules in a foreign independent country, and can order to jail such and such men. This should be unacceptable, but these governments who had sold their countries long ago to foreigners do not even try to prevent this for they know that those who have kept them in power are the same ones who are taking the sovreignty of their nations today. They know they are illigitimate governments, and therefore they can not resist along with the power of their people any of these intrusions in the independent affairs of their nations. Why does Lebanon have to let a foreign body investigate a murder on its soil? Should the world have asked the UN to intrude in the investigation of the murder of the greatest president to date, John Kennedy?Saddam Hussein, Bashar assad, or Lahoud do not have the self respect to go to their people and form a united front to confront the crushing of their sovreignty by the foreigners through the so called UN. They perefer to feel machos on their own people alone, and rabbits when facing foreigners. Syria had shown the French before how it can face a superior power, and the Syrian people did fight the French with united hearts, Alawis, Sunnis, Christians, Druz, etc... No UN should be imposing its rules on Syria or Lebanon, but the regime has sold us out, and I hope it will be the one that will pay the first price of the cowardice actions it has taken so far!God bless the freedom of mankind!JAM


Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Here is my answer to you which I also posted at Joshua's blog. I hope it will show you that we are indeed in agreement, but you are misunderstanding the point:

I think you misunderstood the whole deeper objective of such a criticism. Melis is not being criticised any way! It is in a much deeper sense that my post aimed at.

Let me tell you that I look forward to the day where the whole world feels as one, and there will be no Syria or France, or any country, and we will all be one. This will not happen soon, and as long as this is not happening, I don't see why Syria, Lebanon and Iraq are the only exceptions in the world to the general rules. That is to submit to the UN when Israel for example refused even though the whoel world in the UN voted for, to allow a team to visit Ramallah and report on the "massacre" that presumably happened there. Imagine , Israel refused and won, and refused what? It refused to allow a team to visit, nothing more than that, yet the UN resolutions are to be imposed in these little countries. That obviously means there is no respect for their sovreignty what so ever. No respect to Lebanese, to Syrians, or to Iraqis, and that is what the governments of these countries have done to their people: No respect to them what so ever. They are treated as the pariahs in our world, and my message to is to show that point. It was these governments that have put us in such a disrespectful position. Will any other countrty in the world allow for a foreign team to investigate a murder inside it?

Now, of course, I am not complaning about this team that is investigating the assassination of Hariri, for I am happy that finally murder and assassinations that the Syrian Assadist Regime has enjoyed doing since 1970 will be stopped. It is great that finally the regime's crimes are being exposed and the regime will think twice from now on on assassinating some one else, but that does not mean that I am happy as to where this regime brought my people and my country to. It is that only Suria, Lebanon, and Iraq that are submitting to International judgement, a UN rule that no other country seems to permit. It is the priniciple of it, and how Syria, Iraq and Lebanon lost their sovreignties by the foolish and arrogant behaviour of the selfish class of people who ruled and ruined the 3 countries/

I am showing the Syrian regime that it is illegitimate, by proving it. A legitimate regime will not bow to unfair UN resolution that interfers in the country's internal affairs, but because the Syrian regime was "illegally" occuping Lebanon for example, though it maintained before that it was a brotherly occupation, etc.., and because the regime knows its complicit involvement in previous assassinations in Lebanon, it obviously felt the heat and the danger of not bowing to the world's UN. It can not do otherwise becauise the regime knows that it is an illegitimate regime, and all this regime wants is to be spared the fall down. Nothing else mnatters to it. It wants to survive, exactly as Saddam wanted for 13 years. Nothing mattered to Sadda, not the sanctions against his people, not the fly zones, not the Kurds independence, nothing but his own survival, and he bowed to all the presssures from outside while imprisonned his people and massacred them, exactly as the Assad regime does.

Thank you for your remarks.


Thu Sep 01, 02:05:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surgerons cannot operate on themselves

Wed Oct 12, 04:34:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Robert Lindsay said...

Hi Zouz. At first I thought you were just another Arab traitor, sold out to the enemies like so many others, when I read your attacks on the Assads. But with this post I see you are a true Arab patriot. With this patriotic stance, your strong position against the Assad regime is validated. Indeed, this regime is quite bad. However, so many who oppose Assad want to make alliance with US, France, Israel and other enemies. Others want the tanks to roll over Syrian land. You oppose the regime (which sadly is a very bad regime) yet also you stand proud as an Arab patriot. I salute you for your brave, principled stance and not selling out to the enemies!

The Syrian people are being left with a lousy choice: support the regime or support the "Usraeli" (US imperialism + international Zionism) plot to destroy Syria. In this choice, I see most Syrians will circle the wagons and support the regime over the "Usraeli" enemy. No matter how bad the Syrian regime is, selling out to the enemies of the Syrian nation can never be acceptable.

I do not know Bashar's involvement in the Hariri crime, but I hope he was not involved.

Your comments about releasing the secular prisoners, at the very least, all noted! I agree completely. Keep the Islamist fantatics in prison if you must, but for Chrissake release the seculars, my God!

Thu Oct 27, 10:14:00 PM 2005  

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