Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What happened to the sovreignty of independent nations?

I was reading about the Milis thing, and could not help it but wonder what happend to the sovreignty of independent nations and what this German guy is doing and acting in Lebanon or Syria as if he is the legitimate ruler of these countries! how did we arrive at this point? For 13 years, Saddam Hussein also transfered the sovreignty of Iraq to the US and Britain, and he stayed in power without any shame, celebrating his birthdays with the most extravagant expenses and built the most expensive palacaes. Meanwhile, the Iraqi sky, and Northern Iraq were occupied by foreign forces, Iraq was completly isolated, and even the president needed a permit to travel from one point to another. Yet, it dictator Saddam continued to imprison his people, and deprive them of their freedom, putting his statues and pictures all over what he had control of in Iraq. The UN became however the true power that governed Iraq and through the UN, it is of course, the US and Britain. Now, this is being repeated in Syria and Lebanon. These regimes have brought these conditions to the peoples of these two countries that no one feels any loss of dignity because of it. It has become a normal thing that a person such this man called Milis (I am not attacking him personally for he could be any one else) can behave as if he were above the rules in a foreign independent country, and can order to jail such and such men. This should be unacceptable, but these governments who had sold their countries long ago to foreigners do not even try to prevent this for they know that those who have kept them in power are the same ones who are taking the sovreignty of their nations today. They know they are illigitimate governments, and therefore they can not resist along with the power of their people any of these intrusions in the independent affairs of their nations. Why does Lebanon have to let a foreign body investigate a murder on its soil? Should the world have asked the UN to intrude in the investigation of the murder of the greatest president to date, John Kennedy?Saddam Hussein, Bashar assad, or Lahoud do not have the self respect to go to their people and form a united front to confront the crushing of their sovreignty by the foreigners through the so called UN. They perefer to feel machos on their own people alone, and rabbits when facing foreigners. Syria had shown the French before how it can face a superior power, and the Syrian people did fight the French with united hearts, Alawis, Sunnis, Christians, Druz, etc... No UN should be imposing its rules on Syria or Lebanon, but the regime has sold us out, and I hope it will be the one that will pay the first price of the cowardice actions it has taken so far!God bless the freedom of mankind!JAM

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Arabs or Muslims are in fact carrying the horror acts

Arabs and Muslims continue to say the horror acts are a conspiracy against them. The problem is the majority of those caught in trying to plot horror are Arabs or Muslims. Here are two men who will contribute to more fear of any Arab name!

It is the oppression in the region by dictators and kings that has produced this mentality, and president George W Bush is right.

Weapons arrest at U.S.-Canadian border
Two Canadians allegedly tried to bring guns, ammo from United States

Saturday, August 13, 2005; Posted: 9:36 p.m. EDT (01:36 GMT)

(CNN) -- Two men tried to re-enter Canada from the United States early Saturday with handguns and ammunition strapped to their bodies, Canadian police said.
Ali Dirie, 22, and Yasin Mohamed, 23 -- both Canadians from the Toronto area -- face weapons-related charges and are in police custody in Niagara Falls, Ontario, according to a police statement. Ontario's Provincial Weapons Enforcement Team and the Niagara Regional Police Service are investigating.
Detective Sgt. Shawn Clarkson, of the Niagara Regional Police Service, would not say what led border officers to search the men.
The men's vehicle underwent a routine search at about 5:40 a.m. at Peace Bridge, which links Buffalo, New York, with Fort Erie, Ontario.
Smuggling U.S. guns into Canada, where gun restrictions are much tighter, has been a common problem.
Niagara Regional Police Chief Wendy Southall said the arrests demonstrate "how many enforcement agencies working together contribute to the safety of communities beyond any local jurisdiction."
"Border security and the flow of illegal guns into
Canada affect us all," she said.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Thugs are humans too. They look as ordinary as any one else!

This blog is about dictators and their victims. It will be filled in time with information, but I think it will just argue things from a humanity point of view. The late dictator of Syria is shown above with his family. His oldest Son Basel died before him, and he was supposed to be the real inheritor, but fate made it that the tallest among his children became the new dictator, and he has been acting in total obedience to the example his father had left and wished for him to follow. Loyalty was never a trait of the late Assad, but his son is loyal to him. How lucky!

This blog is free of any policing.

I wasn't trying to open a blog, but found myself in one that opened for me.

I am an activist against the Syrian regime of the Assad family. I have made myself a goal to
speak about their corruption and history of crimes and treason even before Hafez Assad assumed power officialy for I knew back in 1967 that he was planning to do so, and followed how he corrupted everything since then, and prevented secularism from taking hold of Syria for his own selfish desires.

All posts will be left without erasing them. I object to low level language, and may only erase the bad words if they become excessive.

Thank you very much.