Monday, September 12, 2005

I pity Bashar Assad

What can I say!

In a way, I pity this head of the regime, Bashar Assad!At a young age, and without any prior experience in seeking to achieve anything that his father had not arranged for him, he found himself inheriting the highest office of the land, that of the President of the Syrian Republic. Then, scores of opportunistic people across the Globe, from Madeleine Albright to President Chirac, to Arab dummy Monarchs and other dictators started inflating his ego describing him, and without the slightest right to do so, as the Young Western Educated President, The Internet hero and a Pioneer in the new technolgies, an open minded man who would carry the aspirations of the Syrians and open a new page for Syria. Other titles were also given to him freely without any truth to any of them. Then, Syrians from all sides of the spectrum also started to advertise him and inflate him as well, giving him new titles and putting all of their hopes in him, a man with the extraordinary capabilities (which he had not shown even one of them ever to the world, not by a book he had written, or even an article he had published, not even by an anonymous reply in an Internet site, what ever it may be) suddenly became the carrier of the oppositions hope in a new Syria, and this glorious 34 years old man without a past good or bad on whom those stupid opposition members who were called The Damascus Spring members would place all of their hopes and wishes on him.

Words after words made me more angry each day I was hearing them...that Young "Western Educated" Ass hole, believed himself and believed that he was really some body, and something. He started giving the "Most Educated Syrians" as they called themselves at the time in the epoch of the Damascus Spring, lessons in the Arabic langauge, and lessons on the meaning of the words, exactly as an elementary school teacher would behave faced with the ignorants in front of him./. This man became a philosopher on the meaning of the words he either uttered, or other people used. Words such "the most Cultivated', Freedom, Civil Socitey, etc...all became a matter of intrepretation for him. freedom did not mean freedom after all. We need to understand what exactly this Eye Western Educated Doctor meant by uttering the word Freedom, and respect for others opinions. It seems that the dummies who called themselves the Most Cultivated or Educated totally misinrepretted him and his words, and for that misunderstanding, they paid a very heavy price and they placed themselves in his prisons to be tortured the way Arabs torture dogs and cats.

And I go back to say I pity this man, for it wasn't his fault that the opportunists and the dummies inflated him to the degree that he believed himself, and became aware some how of his undefeatable brain, and power that he so stupidly made mistake after mistake and put himself in this hard position where, I aqm sure he will not escape. Listening to the threats that he gave Late Rafik Hariri before assassinating him, one can see that this inflated balloon had to flatten after all. What he said to Hariri can never be said by a president to any body, lest be to a famous man like Rafik Hariri, and he appeared to his true nature, a small boy after all, in charge of 2 difficult countries, Syria, and Lebanon!JAM
4:47 PM

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Stupidity can manifest itself in arrogance also

If Bashar and his associates had a little bit of intelligence, especially when they realized that the circumstances in the world balance of power changed, and that the circle around them was getting smaller, they would have released all political prisonners, especially those that are secular and as the regime claims that it is standing in the face of Islamist fundementalists (alone as claimed), realesing them would have added to their credibility, and in doing so, they would have not increased the hatred against them as they have done, but probably got some support from the people to face "external" threats as the regime pretends to be the case now.

What they did is that they have made each of us willing to be so happy when the "external" threat will be truly realized!
But stupid people who, for circumstances beyond their intelligence were permitted (God knows why) to play with the lives of millions of people, and to believe in their own invunerability to become such savages and such arrogant not resembling human beings at all, will in the end be shown to their true nature, really stupid!
There is a wisdom to learn for those who will take their place, soon. It is to recognize that we are all just human beings, and that our happiness should not be built on the misery of others, and that time does change, and that nothing lasts for ever. How beautiful it would be if we feel happy that we made some one else happy, not stepping on his happiness and destroying his family for our own short term interest and extravagant pleasure!
A lesson must be learned. They saw Saddam, another billionaire like them, made his billions out of his savage spirit that believed in nothing else but crude force, exactly as they believe, found himself at the end hiding in a hole despite all of his wealth and his billions! That will happen to them too. Let's always realize our humanity, and share our happiness, and help the others who are less fortunate than us. But, I know how the gangs of Assad and their likes among Palestinians and other Arabs see life! They have learned nothing from history, and they can not understand the deeper meaning of life, and how much it is beautiful to make some one happy, instead of oppressing them, and using torture against those who differed with them. How can they even sleep well when Ryad Seif and his friends suffer for having expressed views in concern for the happiness of their fellow citizens and even for the sake of Bashar Assad himself?
I must say that they are truly retarded and ignorant despite the propaganda that some people made about them and how "great" these people are, mentally or otherwise. The Assad gangs are the least humans among humans. But I will pray for their deliverance, and for them.